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December 13, 2011


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I am so glad you chose to see this age at a different angle. Everyone at times needs to adjust their view! I think it is so true when we reach a pivotal birthday. It is a time of new beginnings, awakening to what you truly desire. I think it is about listening to your gratitude, your talents, your missteps and let them guide you!


Right now at 28 I feel as if my life has fallen apart a little. I'm hoping that by 30 maybe I'll feel a little more... settled.


Oooh gosh, this hits close to home as 2012 is my turning 30 year. All of the vanity which I always thought I never had is bubbling up to the surface. Niggling potential regrets about things I didn't do in my 20s are submitting their resumes.

I've talked to a few older people about this and the interesting thing that keeps coming up is that people really enjoy their 30s and they mentally feel around about that age for the rest of their lives. Totally relate to your comment about under 25 self-discovery days. 20s were pretty tough in that respect so I reckon 30s will be deeply satisfying that way.

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Christen O.

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