I’ve been spending a lot of time wondering what to do with this little space of mine. There have been times that I’ve been a prolific blogger, yes, but more often than not, this page is unattended. It’s always been a goal of mine to write here regularly because I really do like to write. That has always been my intention … to write, whether it be a funny little story, a thought I had, or just something I had to get off my chest.
One of the biggest struggles I encountered last year was getting swept away by the online world. The Internet can mess with your identity (literally and figuratively) and give you false priorities. The more I read beauty blogs, the more I thought I needed to be spending most of my earnings on high-end products. The truth? I love makeup, but I hate spending money on it. I’m a proud Wet-n-Wild and E.L.F. wearing girl (though I have recently made the decision to wean myself off of such chemical-filled products and will be replacing my makeup as I run out of what I already have). As I saw running get really popular I thought that I should become a runner too. The truth? There’s probably nothing I hate more in this world than to run. Yes, I desperately need to exercise, but I need to find something that I enjoy doing (ahem, kettlebells!) so that I actually do it. Getting so caught up in what everyone else appeared to be doing made me feel miserable about myself.
I can go on and on, but you get the idea. I wanted to model my blog after some of those that I admired. Stick to certain themes! It will work, I told myself. It didn’t. Obviously. And it’s no criticism to those who it does work for. I obviously liked it because I attempted to do the same. It just isn’t me. I think we all started our blogs with the hopes of sharing a bit of ourselves with the world … to carve out a tiny little place where we could be ourselves. I think we owe it to ourselves to hold true to that initial hope.
So what does this mean for this space of mine? It means I’ve re-opened a world of possibilities for it. It means I don’t care if the posts are cohesive. I’ll share what I want to share … my art, the food I make, the thoughts I have. It’s time to reclaim my space.
A special “thank you” to my dear friend Amy, whose post here inspired this. You continue to be an inspiration to me.