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February 15, 2011


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liz lamoreux

yes yes yes
it is so important to take care of us so we can be present for others. (and this book has been on my shelf for years. have read bits and pieces but something tells me i should open it up again soon.)

(can't wait to see you so very soon)

Coach Outlet

Do i really have the sense of mourning the loss of my youth and confusing about my future?

sarah  Ahearn Bellemare

so good. thanks for saying all of this!
hope you are hanging in there and being good to yourself... i know what it's like to take on too much and feel overwhelmed too.
have fun tonight w/ tony : )
xo *s

vanessa spencer

agreed! i feel guilty all the time for not blogging frequently...


Sigh. Yes. I agree with this so much. I'm a teacher, and a lot of times, I think educators feel this pressure to always be doing more or better to help their kids. But really, my teaching grew to be so much better when I read books and watched films and slept in. I had to fill the well to have anything to give.


What a wonderful reminder. I often feel that kind of guilt. So glad I found your blog!

kim beller

oh it's so true. we just have to take care of ourselves and let the rest go sometimes!


very true!


so true. self care is always the one thing that falls through the
cracks daily. good for you!


So glad I stopped by here today, because this is really something I needed to be reminded of.
Thank you, Christen.


Good for you! I nurture my soul in tiny moments throughout the week...a few minutes in the morning with my cup of hot tea & the newspaper...going outside with my camera to take some pictures of nature...reading a couple of chapters of a book by one of my favorite authors...a hot, soaking bath...lunch with friends...or an occasional 15 minute nap. It's the little things that makes the biggest difference!


i just saw your thoughts on kind over matter and wanted to say...i so get the search for like minded creative souls. i have struggled with that too! i am glad that i found someone this year who has the same creative purpose as me. it has truly made a difference to have that energy focused. and also to have someone that "gets" you. glad you found your tribe...


oh my...this hits home really hard...i feel like posting this on my literal wall at home. i have taken a break too because of, well, many thing that make it difficult to find time to blog and was thinking that when i was back i would need to appologize. thank you for this reassurance that i'm not the only one and that it's okay.

Kanchan Mahon

I make collages and jewelry, and what you wrote here struck a deeply resonant chord within me.

Stringing beads together can be like stringing a life together. The tranquility of working with jewelry, is soothing. Beading, wire wrapping, and linking jewelry require a focus on the elements of design. As I work with colors and forms, I don't need to think in sentences. Whlie the fluidity of language allows me to communicate effectively in my everyday life, I have found that creating art is very fulfilling. And perhaps surprisingly, creating art is even more important than the art itself. 

When I'm creating art, I have no need to think in sentences, I need not focus on my anxietes, worries or hurts. I stop the running soundtrack of my thoughts. I have no need to replay memories or to hesitate about my future. . To swerve away from the constant chatters of our restless minds is so therapeutic, so healing. 

Designing jewelry is a parallel process to collage. I see both as essentially the arrangment of colors and forms with the transformation of many apparently disparate elements. The finished piece itself is fulfilling. But the process of creation itself is what most engages me. The allure of a peaceful mind is irresistible. The process is good for the soul. The act of creation soothes and clarifies my own center.

My mind becomes like a summer sky, I am either empty of clouds, or they are passing and fleeting. 

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Christen O.

  • knitting. crocheting. art journaling. craft beer. folk music. classic literature. penmanship. vintage clothing. slow living. painting.
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